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In the Czech Republic, international succession law is primarily governed by EU law. The succession regulation establishes a unified approach to jurisdiction, applicable law, and the recognition and enforcement of decisions in succession matters across EU member states.

Navigating international succession law in the Czech Republic can be complex, particularly when multiple jurisdictions are involved. For instance, a foreign national who passes away in the Czech Republic may have assets in their home country and other countries, necessitating consideration of the laws of multiple jurisdictions to effectively administer their estate.

Even if the heirs of a foreign national are located abroad, we can assist with ongoing proceedings in the Czech Republic and help protect their rights. Our services include drafting and registering a last will, administering the estate, and navigating any legal challenges that may arise.

We can mainly assist you in the following agendas:

  • Drafting and registering the last will

  • Representing heirs in the inheritance procedure in the Czech Republic

  • Cooperating with the professionals abroad

  • Administrating the last will and the succession

  • Helping with technicalities, changing the registration, cancelling the bank account, etc.

Whether you are an heir, a beneficiary, or an executor, we are ready to help guide you through the process of international succession law in the Czech Republic.

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